sweden Head sweden FLAG

Sweden is a Scandinavian nation with thousands of coastal islands and inland lakes, along with vast boreal forests and glaciated mountains. Its principal cities, eastern capital Stockholm and southwestern Gothenburg and Malmö, are all coastal. Stockholm is built on 14 islands. It has more than 50 bridges, as well as the medieval old town, Gamla Stan, royal palaces and museums such as open-air Skansen.

Languages: Swedish, small Sami- and Finnish-speaking minorities

Ethnic Groups:Swedes with Finnish and Sami minorities; foreign-born or first-generation immigrants: Finns, Yugoslavs, Danes, Norwegians, Greeks, Turks

Belief Systems: Lutheran 87%, other (includes Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Baptist, Muslim, Jewish, and Buddhist) 13%


9.6 million people (World Rank: 90th) (2014 estimate)
Population Density: 60.6 people/mi^2 (People per Square Mile) (World Rank: 195th) (2014 estimate)
Population Growth: 0.531 %/yr (World Rank: 159th) (2013 estimate)
Life Expectancy: 81.8 years (World Rank: 12th) (2013 estimate)
Median Age: 40.7 years (World Rank: 16th) (2010 estimate)

Sites for More Information:

Map of Sweden

World Factbook

Sweden - General Information

Swedish Culture

Sweden Info

Traditional Food

ABBA history

Walpurgis Night


Travel Info for Sweden

Swedish Embassy
in Washington D.C.

Swedish Government Web Sites
by Gunnar Anzinger

Local Weather Conditions

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