senegal Head senegal FLAG

Senegal is a country on Africa’s west coast with a rich French colonial heritage and many natural attractions. Dakar, the capital, features the ancient Médina district and esteemed Musée Théodore Monod, displaying African art. Dakar is also known for its nightlife, centred on native mbalax music. Saint-Louis, formerly the capital of French West Africa, has an old town with colonial architecture.

Languages: French (official), Wolof, Pulaar, Jola, Mandinka

Ethnic Groups: Wolof 43.3%, Pular 23.8%, Serer 14.7%, Jola 3.7%, Mandinka 3%, Soninke 1.1%, European and Lebanese 1%, other 9.4%

Belief Systems: Islam


13.8 million people (World Rank: 71st) (2014 estimate)
Population Density: 186 people/mi^2 (People per Square Mile) (World Rank: 140th) (2014 estimate)
Population Growth: 2.64 %/yr (World Rank: 27th) (2013 estimate)
Life Expectancy: 63.5 years (World Rank: 187th) (2013 estimate)
Median Age: 17.9 years (World Rank: 179th) (2010 estimate)

Sites for More Information:

Map of Senegal

Country Profile for Senegal
United Nations

Current News About Senegal


Senegal - General Information

Senegal - Facts and Information 1

Senegal - Facts and Information 2
World Factbook

Traveling to Senegal

Senegalese Embassy
in Washington D.C.

Senegal Government Web Sites

Local Weather Conditions

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