canada Head costa_rica FLAG

Costa Rica is a rugged, rainforested Central American country with coastlines on the Caribbean and Pacific. Though its capital, San Jose, is home to cultural institutions like the Pre-Columbian Gold Museum, Costa Rica is known for its beaches, volcanoes, and biodiversity. Roughly a quarter of its area is made up of protected jungle, teeming with wildlife including spider monkeys and quetzal birds.

Languages: Spanish (official), English

Ethnic Groups: White (including mestizo) 94%, black 3%, Amerindian 1%, Chinese 1%, other 1%

Belief Systems: Catholicism 62%, Protestantism 21%, Agnostic/Atheist/none (9%), other religions 6%, unknown 3%


Population: 4.92 million people (World Rank: 119th) (2014 estimate)
Population Density: 250 people/mi^2 (People per Square Mile) (World Rank: 114th) (2014 estimate)
Population Growth: 1.38 %/yr (World Rank: 87th) (2013 estimate)
Life Expectancy: 79.9 years (World Rank: 40th) (2013 estimate)
Median Age: 28.4 years (World Rank: 88th) (2010 estimate)

Sites for More Information:

Map of Congo

Country Profile for the Republic of Costa Rica
United Nations

Costa Rica

Costa Rica- General Information

Culture and Tourism:

Tourism Costa Rica
All about Costa Rica as a tourism destination

Peninsula of Nicoya
80 miles of shoreline home beaches, forrests, and beach-centric towns

Arenal Volcano
One of the world's most active volcanoes

Corcova National Park
One of the world's most active volcanoes

Spanish Language Resources:

Learn Spanish
Free online resource for learning Spanish

Study in Costa Rica
Learn Spanish by studying in Costa Rica

Government Related:

Costa Rican Embassy
in Washington D.C.

Costa Rican Government Websites
by Gunnar Anzinger

Local Weather Conditions

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