cameroon Head cameroon FLAG

Cameroon, on the Gulf of Guinea, is a Central African country of varied terrain and wildlife. Its inland capital, Yaoundé, and its biggest city, the seaport Douala, are transit points to ecotourism sites as well as beach resorts like Kribi – near the Chutes de la Lobé waterfalls, which plunge directly into the sea – and Limbe, where the Limbe Wildlife Centre houses rescued primates.

Languages: French (official) 57.6%, English (official) 25.2%, French only 46%, English only 13.6%, French and English 11.6%, 24 major African language groups 28.8%

Ethnic Groups: Cameroon Highlanders 38%, coastal tropicalforest people (including the Bamileke and the Bamoun) 12%, southern tropical forest people (including theEwondo, Bulu, Fang, Maka and Bakas 18%, Fulani 14%, Kirdi 18%

Belief Systems: Christian 70% (Roman Catholic 32.4%, Protestant 30.3%, other Christian denominations 6%), indigenous beliefs 10%, Muslim 19%


Population: 21.4 million people (World Rank: 57th) (2014 estimate)
Population Density: 117 people/mi^2 (People per Square Mile) (World Rank: 171st) (2014 estimate)
Population Growth: 2.17 %/yr (World Rank: 48th) (2013 estimate)
Life Expectancy: 55.1 years (World Rank: 214th) (2013 estimate)
Median Age: 18 years (World Rank: 177th) (2010 estimate)

Sites for More Information:

Map of Cameroon

Country Profile for Cameroon
United Nations


Cameroon - General Information

Cameroon - Facts and Information

Culture and Tourism:

Tourism Cameroon
All about Cameroon as a tourism destination

Cameroon Travel Warning
Cautions when traveling to Cameroon

Waterfalls of Lobé
Local waterfall scenery

Cameroon National Parks
List of national parks in Cameroon

Mount Cameroon
Volcanic mountain in Cameroon

Cameroon Language Resources:

Learn French
Online resource for learning French

Government Related:

Cameroonian Embassy
in Washington D.C.

Cameroonian Government Websites

Local Weather Conditions

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